(250) 374-2138 stacey.vair@gmail.com




If you’ve got a young family, you probably feel like you barely have time to put together a grocery list – let alone think about insurance and investments! But it’s important to consider both to ensure your family has the financial protection it needs.

When it comes to insurance, you need coverage in the following areas:

  • Health. While primary healthcare is covered for Canadian citizens, you have to pay out of pocket for everything from glasses to fillings!
  • Disability. Could you still cover your bills if you become temporarily or permanently disabled? Disability insurance can provide a steady income if you can no longer work. 
  • Critical Illness. When you’re young, you may feel like you don’t need to be concerned about serious health issues like cancer or a heart attack. Unfortunately, anyone can experience a critical illness, and it’s essential to have financial protection in case you do. Critical illness insurance will provide you with a lump sum payment you can use to cover everything from childcare to car payments.
  • Life. One of the best and least expensive ways to ensure your family has financial protection is to buy life insurance. With the tax-free payout from life insurance, you can help your family do everything from paying off their house to putting money aside for higher education. 

The other part of financial planning you need to tackle is planning for your financial future, which means getting organized about saving and investing. Retirement may seem a long way off, but the sooner you start planning for the future, the better prepared you’ll be! 

To get a solid financial plan in place, you need to:

  1. Get a clear picture of your current income and the income you’ll need in your retirement years.
  2. Make a list of any debts and plan how to pay them off.
  3. Make sure you have the right insurance in place.
  4. Determine what sources of income you’ll have during your retirement years. This can include government benefits such as CPP, OAS, and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), as well as income from pension plans and private savings such as RRSPs and TFSAs.
  5. Think about any other potential sources of income you may have, such as money from the sale of your primary residence.

This may seem overwhelming, but you don’t have to deal with it alone! We can help you get the necessary insurance and create an investment plan that works for you and your family. 

Please book an appointment with us today to get started.

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We know that finances can be a confusing and difficult undertaking. We can answer any questions you may have concerning our financial services, so contact us today to learn more!